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Single channel, interactive

video, printed cards

4 minutes


A blind spot is a place in every healthy human eye that lacks light-detecting photoreceptor cells. Because of that, some part of what we see remains invisible. However, we do not notice this partial blindness since the brain tends to compensate for this lack by “imagining” what it does not see – or by re-constructing the image based on surrounding details and the information received by the other eye.

Human vision is inevitably limited, imperfect, and biased, therefore, it cannot claim the truth. However, such imperfection is one of the parts of the complex construction of human identity. The very notion of vision is determined by its limits – a thing can be visible only as opposed to the invisible, so the invisible shapes us as much as the vision does.

The interactive video-installation appropriates the design of the ophthalmological test to reveal the blind spot in the eye. It plays with binary oppositions – such as right-left, male-female, east-west – and offers the viewer to engage in a game that aims to reveal contradictions and biases in our perception of reality.

© 2022 Asel Kadyrkhanova

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